The BAMsystem stand for Bible Allegory Memory Sytem.
These videos are designed to teach the steps of the system. I hope you have good success in memorizing God's Word!
BAMsystem Book - Coming soon!
Learn the system! If you have a desire to memorize scripture and alot of it... you need a way to make it effecient! We can help!
Use USA to memorize Genesis!
Video and instruction on how to do this coming down the road.
Foundational Bible Truths - Coming Soon!
These lessons are great for evangelism! They are 6 one hour lessons that set the foundation for all Biblical doctrines. Also, it acts a an evidence builder to the veracity of the 66 books of the Bible. The goal of these lesson is to lead others to salvation and give them a really good foundation to build their lives on; ie discipleship.
Childrens Books - Coming Soon!
Not just for kids... These books have the system encode into the pictures to help you memorize Books, Chapters, and Verses... Your kids will like it and you will too.
We at the BAMsystem beleive...
...there is a better way, than what the average teacher teaches, to grow as a christian. We believe, and are confident that it is God's Word that transforms lives. We have tapped into a way to use anceint memory techniques to harness the power to retain the scriptures in our mind so that we can meditate on them.
By retaining large amounts of scripture in our memory, we begin to understand scripture at a level you would not have thought possible.
Bottom line is this... God has saved us to not only be with Him in all of eternity, but that we should bare much fruit (John 15:7-8). There is no time to waste, make that first step today!